Disclaimer: The following article is a recap of an amazing video I found on Youtube. I can't take any credit for the content. I summarised this for myself to internalise it and wanted to share my notes with you. Click here to watch the video.
Note: I accidentally sent out last weeks article on Saturday instead of Sunday. So if you haven’t read it yet here’s the link: The 5 foundations of a successful lead
Remembering the moves you practice can be hard. You practice it in class or with a partner and as soon as you go to a social dance you forget everything: You only remember a small amount and instead keep repeating the same things you already knew.
This is a common problem and nothing to feel bad about. Every lead went through this at some point.
Not being able to remember moves in itself is a symptom. The underlying problem is a lack of vocabulary and understand how moves connect together.
Trying to memorise patterns from class isn't the answer. But yet it's how most guys learn and what most teachers teach.
I recently stumbled upon an amazing video full of guidance on how to overcome this problem.
I decided to recap it and share it with you. Here's what you can expect:
Focus on moves instead of patterns
Less combos, more concepts
2 exercises to boost your memory (this is where it gets really good!)
Hello and welcome to “The confident lead” - the free edition of my weekly newsletter. I’m Yann, and each week I write about things that make you a more confident leader on the social dance floor. If someone shared this article with you and you find this information useful make sure to sign up to receive it each Sunday evening.
Focus on moves instead of patterns
Moves are just smaller bits of information. Instead of trying to remember patterns remember one move and try to work it into what you already know.
Once you are able to identify moves you will be able to piece them together without thinking.
Once a move finishes you will be able to naturally flow into the next move based on the position you ended up.
You can't understand something that's really complex until you understand the basics it's made from. Many beginners do this wrong and it's largely a fault of the teachers.
Less combos, more concepts
Instead of memorising patterns think in concepts
Concept #1: Handholds
Instead of thinking about combos focus on handholds instead. Think of a handhold as a trigger for something that follows: That can be a move or a mini combo that you remember.
Here are 10 handholds in Salsa to get you thinking:
Images taken from Ballroom Feed on Youtube
Concept #2: Right, left, up, down
At any position you can turn your partner to the right or to the left. And while you’re doing that you could keep your hand up or you could keep your hand down.
2 exercises to boost your memory
#1: Spaced repetition
We naturally forget most of the information we acquire. We want to reinforce the information on a regular interval to move it from short term to long term memory.
Create flashcards (the same you would use to learn words in a new language or anything else) and create 3 piles:
One pile with moves that you don't recall very well.
One pile of things you can recall "Just OK"
Another one with moves you can recall easily.
Now take a card from the hard pile. If you can recall the move, move it up to the "Just ok" pile. Test yourself 10 minutes later and if you can remember it move it to the "easy pile"
By doing this you will remember more of the things you suck at. At the same time you practice things you're good at remembering - just enough to keep them in your memory.
You can do this just by using your memory but you can also do it while dancing by yourself: Pick up a card and shadow dance with yourself (imagine a follower is there): Go through the move and pretend to do it. If you remember it, move the card over to the next pile. You can also do this with a partner.
#2: Chunking – Using positions & handholds to organise ideas
Chunking = Grouping information together based on a context that connects it.
Example: If you go grocery shopping you make a list of things you need and try to remember those things based on the area of the store the items are found in.
When dancing try to remember the moves you know from a given position or hand hold (as mention above). This helps the brain to organise things in an easy to remember package.
Grab some paper and write down 2 or 3 handholds or common positions you find yourself in (relative to your partner). Underneath list as many moves as you can think of that you can do from that handhold / position.
This will not only help you remember moves but also to switch things up and not always repeating the same thing.
Want to read more articles like these? I’m Yann and this is my weekly newsletter “The confident lead”. Each week I write about things that make you a more confident leader on the social dance floor. Leave your email address to receive it every Sunday evening.
Watch the full video on Youtube: